When Kids Achieve, We Succeed

Over the course of 11 years, READy for the Grade educated 1565 students, and 135 children participated in 2023.

97% of parents surveyed said having a child take part in READy for the Grade inspired the whole family to read more during the summer.

READy for the Grade urges children to develop, maintain, or enhance key reading skills

Open book & stacked books drawing

Reading Skills

In summer 2023, 38% of our students improved their reading skills, while 59% maintained their reading skills.

Developing a Habit

97% of parents surveyed said their children read more because of their engagement in the program.

drawing of papers with A+

Test Scores

97% of students tested at the start and end of summer 2023 maintained or increased reading test scores.



From 2020 to 2022, our community partners made heroic efforts to reach children and families, including delivering learning kits and offering online programming.

Library Drawing


In 2022, we served 114 children. In 2023, the number of children who took part in our program grew by 18% to 135 children.

All Kids Need to Read

READy for the Grade serves a diverse population, with programs in rural, suburban, and urban communities.
The challenges of living and learning with low income vary by setting. Click the site name for details.



New Haven




Learn More About READy for the Grade


Location: 195 Church Street, 7th Floor
New Haven, Connecticut 06510

Telephone: (203) 859.6600

Email: ljordan@newalliancefoundation.org
Learn About NewAlliance Foundation