READy for the Grade programs operate between six and eight weeks during the summer and engage children entering first, second, and third grade (with occasional kindergarteners and fourth graders). Our model includes a variety of operational practices that sites can choose from to suit the specific needs of their community.

Although standard procedures shifted by necessity in 2020, the following operational practices have remained a consistent feature of READy for the Grade programs since 2019:

  • Inviting children to read to instructors or to the group.
  • Leading children in “choral” reading and inviting students to discuss the readings.
  • Encouraging children to make predictions about the storyline, share their preferences, and explain what they thought was happening in the story (to discern comprehension).
  • Incorporating vocabulary lessons into their curriculum and utilizing writing, movement, or craft activities.
  • Guiding students in making connections between current readings and previous lessons and personal experiences.
  • Encouraging children to spend time reading silently.

With some libraries and community centers closed to the public, READy for the Grade’s partners had to be flexible and creative in connecting with children and families during the summers of 2021 and 2022. Most sites rose to the challenge. In 2023, some READy for the Grade sites worked with rising 4th graders, as these children have suffered the lingering effects of the educational struggles that occurred during the pandemic.

For details, get the 2023 independent evaluation of READy for the Grade.

All Kids Need to Read

READy for the Grade serves a diverse population, with programs in rural, suburban, and urban communities.
The challenges of living and learning with low income vary by setting. Click the site name for details.



New Haven





Location: 195 Church Street, 7th Floor
New Haven, Connecticut 06510

Telephone: (203) 859.6600

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